Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - C3

I've been a little remiss in writing so I'll try to catch up a bit.

Chocolat - Do not watch this movie if you're on a diet. It will just make you want to eat chocolate, make chocolate, smear chocolate all over yourself. And Johnny Depp. I'm not sure that I like the changes they made in plot from the book but I enjoy it just the same.

Chorus Line - So classic. Such a great musical. Rare is the musical that doesn't have a star or a main character. Much beloved.

Clue - Communism is just a red herring. Love the triple ending options. I always watch them all in a row as the last one is really the only one that makes sense.

The Color Purple - I still have a hard time believing that this is Steven Spielberg. From Jaws to this is really an amazing show of flexibility.

Company - Can I just eat Raul Esparza for lunch? I find this a fabulous stage production to watch in the place where I am right now. Bobby's realizations about his life and where it's going as far as relationships is really illustrative for me. "Sorry, Grateful" is my favorite song other than the finale. So lovely to see him in Pushing Daisies.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - C2

Casino Royalle - Sorry to all the James Bond fans out there but I just couldn't watch this movie. I waited through the first 15 minutes or so and decided to turn it off. There was nothing but running after shooting after fighting - on and on and on and no clue about the plot or anything. I'll just wait until I get to the Ts and can watch The Thomas Crowne Affair.

Cast Away - I have a friend who cannot watch this movie. She's terrified to fly in the first place and watching the plane crash in this film would just put her over the edge. It really is a terrifying scene and what he has to go through to survive and eventually escape the island makes you change your mind about the romantic notion of being stranded on a desert island. I see many similarities between this film and American Beauty. Both are about men just lost in their lives and not being aware of what they're doing. It takes a major event to wake them up. I just love the scene at the end where he is literally at a crossroads and has the opportunity to decide how he wants the rest of his life to turn out. How many of us really get that chance?

Chicago - Another movie musical. Some people didn't like the scenes and dialogue being added to this film but I never really liked how the stage presentation just jumped from song to song without connecting them. I continue to be impressed by Renee Zelwiger's talent and was glad to see Gere and Zeta Jones singing and dancing. I remember when I heard that Queen Latifa was going to play Mama Morton and thinking "Of course! Who could play it better." I just can't believe there haven't been more musicals or serious mainstream roles for her. I would pay to see them. Very pissed, though, that they cut the "Class" song.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - C1

Cabaret: I know this musical like the back of my hand having stage managed it a few years ago and I'm surprised to realize how much dialogue they added/changed in the movie from the original production. I don't think it's necessarily bad, though. It seems rather normal when transitioning a musical to film so I guess it makes sense. I love how daring a commentary on society this movie is, and I wish more filmmakers had the courage to do that these days. How many films do you know deal with prejudice, abortion, sexuality, homosexuality, war, etc., and do it in a way that is so entertaining? And Liza is . . . well, Liza. So fabulous and dark and emotionally raw.

Caddyshack: Do I really even need to say anything about this film? It's just so classic that nothing I could say would do it justice.

CAMP: This is the experience I wish I would have had as a highschooler. I would have loved to go to theater camp. The plot is really lacking and filled with holes you could drive a truck through but it's just so sincere and lovely and nerdy. I can't resist. The pain of being a nerd and being completely outcast at home and finding a place where everyone understands and has the same heroes is something that every non-cool person yearns for. Ad a cameo appearace by the greatest living musical creator of our time, Steven Sondheim and well, you've got a pretty damn good movie in my humble opinion. Great soundtrack. Seeing a 16 year old sing "Ladies Who Lunch" though is just wrong in so many ways. But very All About Eve.