Saturday, September 5, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - C1

Cabaret: I know this musical like the back of my hand having stage managed it a few years ago and I'm surprised to realize how much dialogue they added/changed in the movie from the original production. I don't think it's necessarily bad, though. It seems rather normal when transitioning a musical to film so I guess it makes sense. I love how daring a commentary on society this movie is, and I wish more filmmakers had the courage to do that these days. How many films do you know deal with prejudice, abortion, sexuality, homosexuality, war, etc., and do it in a way that is so entertaining? And Liza is . . . well, Liza. So fabulous and dark and emotionally raw.

Caddyshack: Do I really even need to say anything about this film? It's just so classic that nothing I could say would do it justice.

CAMP: This is the experience I wish I would have had as a highschooler. I would have loved to go to theater camp. The plot is really lacking and filled with holes you could drive a truck through but it's just so sincere and lovely and nerdy. I can't resist. The pain of being a nerd and being completely outcast at home and finding a place where everyone understands and has the same heroes is something that every non-cool person yearns for. Ad a cameo appearace by the greatest living musical creator of our time, Steven Sondheim and well, you've got a pretty damn good movie in my humble opinion. Great soundtrack. Seeing a 16 year old sing "Ladies Who Lunch" though is just wrong in so many ways. But very All About Eve.

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