Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don't Ask Don't Tell

Days Unemployed: 225
Weeks of Unemployment Insurance Remaining: 2 and then on to the extension
Jobs Applied To Date: 80
Phone Interviews To Date: 1
In-Person Interviews To Date: 3
Pounds Gained To Date: 8
Entertainment of the Day: Rome S1 E10-12 (so far), Oprah, American Idol, Target Shopping
Lunch of the Day: Leftover Roasted corn and goat cheese quesadilla

I've decided not to discuss interviews and job prospects with friends and family anymore. This recent round of unsuccessful interviews were discussed with several people in the course of natural conversation. And the number kept growing as the four week process was drawn out. Now that I know for sure that nothing is to come of them I have to recount the story and explanation of why three people decided that I wasn't good enough for them over and over again. Even with casual people I don't see very often. I probably won't see many of them for a month now so I'll have to draw out the process of spreading the news even longer.

How's the job hunt going? I'm so cotton picking sick of that question. How the hell do you think it's going? Did I tell you that I got a job? No? Then what do you think, fool, IT SUCKS!!!! And ever single time I have to answer that question it's like someone is twisting the knife. Why don't you give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?

I know people ask because they care, because they're interested, because they need to know how long I can make do before they need to give me money so I won't lose my home (Mom), but enough is enough. It's been seven months. When I have news, I'll tell you. Until then, the subject is on moratorium.

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