Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Short Cuts (Because I have nothing to write about)

Days Unemployed: 246
Weeks of Unemployment Insurance Remaining: 33 Extension Weeks
Jobs Applied To Date: 87
Phone Interviews To Date: 1
In-Person Interviews To Date: 3
Pounds Gained To Date: 8
Entertainment of the Day: American Idol, Michael J Fox on Oprah, Diana Gabaldon's A Breath of Snow and Ashes
Lunch of the Day: Left over ham and Sun Dried Tomato and Olive Oil Triscuits

Short ideas today, merely because I can't think of anything interesting to write about. Why? Because being unemployed is BORING!!!

1. I can't watch Keith Olberman any more. Not because I don't like him, but because I just get too inscensed about the news.
2. I wish I were a lesbian just so I could count myself in a group with Rachel Maddow.
3. I think the people next door are drug dealers. They totally trump the crazy alchy lady across the hall who vandalized the light fixture. One of them was throwing rocks at the ducks in the puddles and flipped me off/mooned me when I tried to photograph it. And where do they think they live with their baggy jeans and hoodie hip hop gear, the south side of Chicago? This is like the whitest, most senior neighborhood in Minnesota. Must have MB come and properly install the currently useless deadbolt in the front door. Don't worry, police notification has occured. I can't believe with all the neighbor problems M and D have had that I now have to deal with this too.
4. Why is going to take until April 12th to ship my movies from Amazon? That's two weeks from the order date. Dang, it's Deadwood, Weeds and Extras. It's not like I'm ordering a never before released pirated Chris LeDoux on cassette. It was all I could do to spend the money. They better send them fast before I change my mind.
5. I hate writing cover letters. Had to write one today. I never quite know what to say. However, cover e-mails flow with no problem. Must be careful not to be seduced by the casual communication medium into being less than professional.
6. God bless John Stewart.
7. If friends show up late to the PBS special viewing night, they don't get to spend the rest of the two hour show asking questions about what they missed. Dag nabbit! And this is a 14 hour Dickens series. I'll be damned if they're going to be lost on the plot the entire time. How hard is it to show up by eight to watch a show that starts by eight? This is not rocket science people!

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