Sunday, July 12, 2009

Been too Bored to Write

Holy crap, it's been a long time since I've written. No, it doesn't mean I've found a job. I wish. No, I just haven't had much to say. Same basic bitching about the economy and job hunting so I figured I'd refrain. Why am I writing now? Not sure. Don't really care. Also don't care about the intro I've used in past posts. The numbers are just too depressing to track. Although, I know that I have now applied for over 120 jobs and am coming up on a full year of unemployment. I'm sure I'll have more thoughts on that but for now . . .

Had a nice little distraction last month when I visited K in San Francisco for a few days. Visited Alcatraz, shopped, when on a historic architecture tour, drank tons of wine, was treated like shit by our host's husband, sat around and waited for K and L to get ready in the morning. Lovely city. Also visited Napa and Sonoma and am now addicted to the idea of going out there temporarily to work the harvest in beautiful and historic winery. Have even applied to one that had housing available. Can't get my mind off of it and really want it to happen which, of course, probably means that it won't but it sure is fun to fantasize about it.

I have decided on an interesting way to spend some time. I'm going to watch every DVD I own in order alphabetically. I'm sure I'll have some witty observations about what the collection I've chosen represents in my life.

Also to come, the depressing nature of reading James Lipton's Inside Inside and realizing that my life has been seriously boring up to now. He was a pimp in Paris, produced numerous Bob Hope specials and Jimmy Carter's inagural concert and is married to a former model. Note to self: get a more interesting life!

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