Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - D2

Dirty Dancing - Ah, the world has lost a great man in Patrick Swayze. It really is sad. I was watching both this film and Too Wong Foo and just sad that we won't see any really daring hotness anymore. A muscle-bound, man's man not afraid to dance and wear a dress. Now that's a man. This film (and Pretty Woman, which we'll get to later) are kind of "family movies." My mother, sister and I can quote freely from these movies and instantly have a reference. This film reminds me in spirit of American Beauty in the sense that she is living her life the way she is supposed to and is awakened by circumstance to the possibilities. I think everyone wishes that had happened to them at 18. I could watch the scene where he's teaching her to dance and they pass the camera past the rippling muscles on his back. Very yummy. The world is less sexy without him.

Don Juan DeMarco - This is a funny little movie. Of course, Johnny Depp is amazing but the plot is so sweet and gentle that it's hard not to love this. Faye Dunaway, though older than most leading actresses now, has got to still be one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Deadwood - A little out of order because I forgot about this one. I had watched this entire series right before starting the marathon and didn't want to start it again but I can't finish the Ds without it. This is simply a great movie-quality show. Which is unfortunately why they're not making it anymore and never got the chance to finish the story in a satisfying way but it's still amazing to watch. I love what this show can teach us about the roll of women in previous centuries. It's hard to talk specifics because the plot is so intensely packed per episode and there are so many episodes so I'll leave it at "Watch it. It'll be good for you. You'll swear more."

Dreamgirls - I saw this film the first time in the theater and wasn't all that impressed with the opening number. However, Eddie Murphie teaching the girls to be his back up singers seamlessly sliding into him performing onstage with them in front of a cheering crowd made me thing "Oh, this is gonna be good." And I wasn't disappointed. I had the same reaction to this film ending as I did to Moulin Rouge - "Can we watch it again?"

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - D

Dangerous Liaisons - I think this is the coolest costume drama ever made. The sheer vengeance factor will blow you away to say nothing of the costumes, the sets, makeup, music and the joy of seeing John Malkovich and Glenn Close throw daggers at each other. Unfortunately, you've got to sit through a few scenes with Keanu Reeves trying to act his way out of a paper bag with a pair of scissors but it's worth it to get to Michelle Pfeiffer. A good film to watch when you're really really pissed at someone.

Dead Again - Full disclosure: I'm a huge Kenneth Brannagh fan. So the fact that I love this movie shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. I kinda believe in the possibility of reincarnation so I'm very willing to just go along with the plot, which is pretty complicated. Just love the scenes with Robin Williams "Fcukin' knife her, man. Do her before she does you!" And the clothes. Good low key thriller for the person who doesn't like horror movies.

Desperately Seeking Susan - Isn't it amazing how fashions come full circle? I saw shoulder pads in the mall the other day. This is the ultimate fantasy for every uptight housewife - follow a cool girl, get amnesia, accidentally steal her identity, find a great guy and fall in love with him. And Aidan Quinn? Hello. I'd sleep on his floor anytime. Great clothes, great music. A good movie for when you're missing the 80's.

Devil Wears Prada - Another great fashiom movie. And who doesn't love Anne Hathaway? I don't have much to say about this movie. I got it for free left over at our bar from an event that we arrived after. Fun to watch when you're in the sassy fashion mood, though.

Unemployment Update

Holy crap, it's been a month since I've posted! Amazing how time flies when you're completely bored and miserable and broke, isn't it? OK, truth be told, I'm not totally miserable or broke but I'm definitely getting there. And no, I don't have a job yet please stop asking for crap sake.

So, I know I said this would be an update but there's not really that much to update on. Still looking for a job and still not finding one. Actually, I kinda feel like I've given up finding a job the traditional way. I've applied for over 150 jobs through Monster and CareerBuilder and not getting any responses. I'm still at the flower shop and enjoying it especially now that the Christmas decorations are coming out. They really do it up big in the entire store so it's really easy to get in the spirit even before Halloween/Thanksgiving. Have applied at the perfume counter's competitor (at the same mall) and have an interview on Monday. We'll see if they pay more than $7.75/hour or not. Might not even be worth it.