Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Unemployment Update

Holy crap, it's been a month since I've posted! Amazing how time flies when you're completely bored and miserable and broke, isn't it? OK, truth be told, I'm not totally miserable or broke but I'm definitely getting there. And no, I don't have a job yet please stop asking for crap sake.

So, I know I said this would be an update but there's not really that much to update on. Still looking for a job and still not finding one. Actually, I kinda feel like I've given up finding a job the traditional way. I've applied for over 150 jobs through Monster and CareerBuilder and not getting any responses. I'm still at the flower shop and enjoying it especially now that the Christmas decorations are coming out. They really do it up big in the entire store so it's really easy to get in the spirit even before Halloween/Thanksgiving. Have applied at the perfume counter's competitor (at the same mall) and have an interview on Monday. We'll see if they pay more than $7.75/hour or not. Might not even be worth it.

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