Monday, July 20, 2009

Sour grapes, sour grapes, sour grapes.

So . . . I suppose I should write about the phone interview that I'm pretty sure I screwed up on Friday. I think one of my problems is that I'm just too honest. Sure, I could load these guys up with niceties and placations, tell them what they want to hear but I just can't seem to drink the cool aid. I have an unfortunate feeling that my life would be a hell of a lot easier if I could just turn myself into a big fat liar. I need to learn to spew the niceties. See, when the interviewer asks you what kind of job you're looking for, you really should say something like "well, the job for which you are currently interviewing me" and specify with some statements taken directly from the previously forwarded job description. But here was my honest answer: "Well, unfortunately after being out of work for a year, I don't really have the luxury of looking for something specific. I kinda have to take whatever comes along." I'm pretty sure that was it word for word. But I meant to continue with something like "but this job really interests me because it's a non-profit that works for the greater good" which is totally true. But she cut me off with another question and I never got back to it. She asked me if I had any questions and I of course did. Because you should. I asked how much of the job entails fund raising. She answered the question and we were done. At 15 minutes. After saying at the beginning of the conversation that even though she scheduled 20 minutes, most are taking 30. Sigh.

Now, I'm fully aware that people want to hire someone excited about the job and who may have been leading up to it their entire lives. Maybe she had already interviewed someone for whom that was true and was just going through the motions with me. That's a luxury hiring managers have these days. They can have the pick of the litter. But this chick didn't even want to pretend to be interested in me. Which I guess I should be grateful for, but dang. I've been doing this for a year. It's getting a little old, ya know? Oh, well. I guess it should go to the person for whom this would be the ideal job. The person for whom $16/hr will be a blessing and not an $18,000 pay cut. It just would be nice to have something.

P.S. I know this story would read better in chronological order but I don't have the emotional energy to rewrite it now.

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