Friday, July 31, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon B

Beaches - Well, Bette Midler. Enough said to recommend this movie right there, I suppose. Beaches is an 80's classic and holds really good memories for me. Especially with the theme song since it was really popular when I was a senior in high school. I love the total girl centric nature of this film and the acting/singing part of it. The fight between Cece and Hillary that separates them for so many years is reminiscent of a fight I had with a good friend which is not really solved but we just pretend that it's OK now. Of course, that friend is now in a fight with another mutual friend so . . . maybe I wasn't the complete bitch in our situation. Hmmm. I still cry at the end of this film, even though I've seen it at least 15 times. Friendship, women, love, illness, death, fights, life choices.

Bend It Like Beckam - Another total girl-power film. I love the cultural dichotomy in this film and the choice that Jess must make between her Indian heritage and her very English football future. Also fabu is that this film is written, produced and directed by a woman. I love when English centric films are popular in the US. Not sure why, maybe it's the Anglophile part of me coming out. Maybe it's the fact that everything sounds better with an English accent. "At least I taught her a full Indian dinner. The rest is up to God." Culture, growing up, parents, 2nd generation, following your dreams, girl-power.

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