Thursday, December 24, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - Christmas Edition

It's snowing like crazy outside so it's time for the Christmas Movie edition of the marathon.

A Charlie Brown Christmas - It's funny how cute and how universal this movie continues to be. I think it really has to do with the music and the lovely Linus on stage telling the true meaning of Christmas part. It doesn't really have much of a plot so it's obviously not the story. A classic and vital part of the Christmas tradition.

It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie - This is a little too topical to become a classic but watching Kermit get really frustrated and lose hope is a first for the Muppets, I think. Whoopi Goldberg as God is always awesome and Pepe The Prawn makes me laugh my ass off.

It's A Wonderful Life - People dog this movie as too sacharine but I'm surprised as how truly bitter George is about his entire life, not just at the end when the shit hits the fan. He is very angry the whole time. The scene where he explodes in front of his family and screams at the teacher over the phone is truly frightening. I try to imagine if my husband came home and screamed at the kids for nothing and then took off, what I would do. The ending is sickly sweet but I think it balances the bitterness of the rest of the movie well.

Love Actually - I find this movie rather sad at times. I really enjoy watching it but the lost love stories - Laura Linney and Emma Thompson especially - that really get to me. You so want Laura Linney to get together with the hot guy and it just doesn't happen. Bill Nighy always makes me laugh in a truly naughty way so this will continue to be one of my favorites. I didn't really like it at first but with repeated viewings, it has ingrained itself in me.

The Nightmare Before Christmas - I always think of this a Halloween movie and it's not one of my favorites at Christmas time but it's a joy to watch anyway. I love how animation can capture with live action just simply cannot. You can be nasty and talk about killing Santa if you're a little goblin.

Scrooged - Oh my God, Carol Kane kills me in this! "Some times you have to slap them in the face to get their attention!" I could watch her scenes over and over again. And it's just a clever retelling of the Dickens story. Whereas so many others get sickly sweet, this one really avoids it. And that's due to Bill Murray's genious comedy and nastiness.

Trading Places - Yes, this is actually a Christmas movie. Most people forget that. Jamie Lee Curtis really makes this movie for me as she is the ultimate hooker with a heart. And good business sense. The scenes with Aykroyd and Murphy together are my favorite. They're a great foil for each other.

White Christmas - The penultimate Christmas movie in my opinion. Why do I love this movie so much? No kids! No family! No cliche transformation of a bad attitude! It's just a love story about performers who get together to try and do something nice for someone who is important to them. I want to be Rosemary Clooney in that black dress with the rhinestone broach on the butt! And again at the end in that red dress with the white fur trim! The costumes in this movie are fantastic. Edith Head I believe. The songs are fantastic, the dancing is amazing, the business between Kaye and Crosby in the dressing room scene is a master class. It's got a ton of exposition but it's not heavy or dragged down with dialogue. I shall forever use "Give me one good reason . . . " "Well, it's not good but it's a reason." and "Like honesty needs a little plus, fate needs a little push." A must see every year.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - F2/G

Funny Face - "Take the picture!" "Stop!" "I don't want to stop, take the picture!" Such fabulous costumes in this film. I wouldn't say that it's one of my favorite musicals but hey, anything with Audrey Hepburn works for me.

Funny Girl - This, on the whole, is a sad film. Fanny's relationship with Nick is doomed to fail from the beginning but the way it plays out is difficult to watch. But the songs are great and it's Barbra so I watch with joy nonetheless.

Girls Just Want To Have Fun - I watched this movie so many times as a kid. I just loved it. Who knew then that SJP would turn into the fabulous fashion icon of SATC? And an early Helen Hunt is super cool. Another awesome 80's dance movie.

Get Shorty - This is a fun movie but not one of my favorites. I'll save my love of Renae Russo for The Thomas Crown Affair. I think I got this free with my DVD player. Clever but. . . eh.

Gosford Park - Saw this movie for the first time in London. I love the conversational, ensemble nature of the direction and of course, anything with Emily Watson works for me. I wish she was in more American film.

Grosse Pointe Blank - This is by far the best John Cusak film, in my humble opinion. I love that he fully admits that he's an assassin and people just go with it because they think he's kidding. His scenes with Minnie Driver have such connection and attraction, I could watch them over and over. And I have. Rather violent in spots but it's so funny that you forgive.

Good Will Hunting - Another Minnie Driver example of awesomeness. I can't really say anything about this film that hasn't already been said. Only that I wish Matt/Ben would write another film. It could only be a good thing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - 1 Forgotten E & F2

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Wrapping your brain around the plot of this movie is really difficult and that's one of the reasons I love it. It's challenging and completely illogical and totally original. And who wouldn't want to wipe out the memories of a relationship that ended badly? It's a very common movie theme that you don't know what you got until it's gone but rarely is it done with such emotional rawness and pain. It's a love story but it's messy and messed up and fraught with fear. Just like life.

Frida - I love bio-pics about artists. Especially ones in which you see the actor actually paint. So far this and Pollock are the only ones I've come across. Being able to see what inspires the artist to come up with all that crazy shit is really fascinating to me. You literally see Frida's soul spew out onto the canvases. And Julie Taymore's direction, the colors, the animation dream sequences - it's all captivating. It also includes the best wedding speech ever. I'll include it here in the hopes that I'll be able to repeat it at an actual wedding someday.

"I don't believe in marriage, really I don't. At it's worst it's a hostile political act, a way for small minded men to keep women in the house and out of the way, wrapped up in the guise of tradition and conservative religious nonsense. At best, it's a happy delusion - these two people who truly love each other and have no idea how truly miserable they're about to make each other. But, but, when two people know that, and they decide with eyes wide open to face each other and get married anyway, then I don't think it's conservative or delusional. I think it's radical and couragous and very romantic."

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - F

Fabulous Baker Boys - LOVE. This is a recent addition to the library and I've watched it at least five times since I got it. The music is fabulous and this fits right in with my love of watching people do things with their hands like cook, build things and play fabulous piano. It's not just a movie it's part of the cultural lexicon (re, the scene on the piano). Michelle Pfeifer's greatest role to date.

40 Year-old Virgin - What I love about this film is that while it's a "guy" movie, it's very sincere and emotional and respectful of women. It has a certain sweetness and intelligence to it and you can tell that the writer doesn't have much fear of looking silly and expressing his feelings. It's not about getting with girls but getting THE girl, even though she's a grandmother. Very much like American Pie, you like they guys and want them to be happy despite the stupid "guy" things they do. The chest waxing scene will go down in movie history as the most painful thing an actor has ever willingly done for a role. The on-screen chemistry between Steve Carell and Catherin Keener is really cool and the final number is killer.

A Fish Called Wanda - "Asshole!" is my favorite line and one I use quite often. Especially while driving. "Disappointed!" is also very useful. Again with the British comedy. I just dig it. There's a certain self-effacing quality and no fear of making an ass of ones self. Maybe is the contrast between the uptight pompious English attitude and the sheer stupidity of the circumstances in which they find themselves. You know a movie is funny when a guy actually dies watching because he was laughing so hard.

Flashdance/Footloose - Lets take these together, shall we? To amazing dance movies with awesome 80's vibe and superb music. Both have scenes that have become culturally iconic touchstones and have been reference repeatedly in pop culture. I think people under appreciate these but it may be because I was just at the right age to be all over these films when they came out. It's probably because of the hair (or the low self-esteem) but Jennifer Beales always reminds me of my sister. I love that Kevin Bacon stands up to radical Christianity and uses the Bible to reason with them. And when they are denied anyway, the find a way to make the dance happen.

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - E

Yes, it's been a while so I figured I had better catch up on my viewing activities before I jump into the Christmas Movie Marathon next week.

Elizabeth - Cate Blanchett was robbed of that Oscar. She should have received it for this film. This is a knock-down, drag-out performance. She carries this movie and doesn't even look like she's working at it. The costumes are amazing and the transformation of her appearance and bearing from young niave princess to formidable and historically integral ruler is really amazing to watch. Very powerful woman indeed, actress and subject.

Extras - I have friends who don't much like Ricky Gervais, but I think he's hilarious. Of course, a good bit of English humor always got me giggling. And Extras is full of not just humor but rolling on the floor laughing and peeing your pants funny shit. Maggie is really my favorite. She's got that Bridget Jones way of being stupidly sweet. This is a great series to watch because it's quick and dirty - six 30 minute episodes per season and a totally awesome and surprisingly heartfelt final episode that sends up reality TV.

Enchanted - Ah, Disney. I didn't have high hopes. But so cool, this movie. I've always loved stories that start in animation and transition into live-action. I remember a Raggedy-ann and Andy film from years ago that was the opposite. And they did figure out how to do away with the simpering princess waiting for the prince to come and save her. She saves him in the end. I'm willing to forgive the tragic under utilization of Susan Sarandon and why in god's name they would cast Edina Menzel and not have her sing in a musical is beyond me. I enjoy the movie's modern touches anyway. The rats, pidgeons and cockroaches cleaning the apartment is super clever.

Job Offer in the Works and Another Interview

So, yeah, I think I have a job now. Unfortunately it's at one of my old employers as a contractor again. I'm not crazy about that but it's better than nothing. It's a 2 year contract which is cool and the interview was with two rather cool chicks that I'll be working with. I'm excited to get back into the land of the living again. I'm not excited about no insurance, no vacation, no holiday pay and all that not being rewarded the way my co-workers are being rewarded but hey, beggars can't be choosers. It's a mixed blessing. I also just sent in my loan-modification paperwork so I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen now. It's unfortunate that I waited so long in that any changes they would have made would have been permanent but . . .

I also had an interview today, which I think went well. It pays better than the contractor job, is permanent and includes benefits. In talking with my placement guy, he said I should accept the contractor job and then I can always quit when I find out about this one. Of course, I'll be taking this one if I get an offer for it. It's just better and I'll always chose the devil I don't know, cuz that's just me. As I told a friend who was offered a job by her old employer after being laid off, going back to an old employer is like going back to a boyfriend who broke up with you and then wants you back. There's just a lot of hard feelings and bad history there.