Saturday, December 5, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon - F2/G

Funny Face - "Take the picture!" "Stop!" "I don't want to stop, take the picture!" Such fabulous costumes in this film. I wouldn't say that it's one of my favorite musicals but hey, anything with Audrey Hepburn works for me.

Funny Girl - This, on the whole, is a sad film. Fanny's relationship with Nick is doomed to fail from the beginning but the way it plays out is difficult to watch. But the songs are great and it's Barbra so I watch with joy nonetheless.

Girls Just Want To Have Fun - I watched this movie so many times as a kid. I just loved it. Who knew then that SJP would turn into the fabulous fashion icon of SATC? And an early Helen Hunt is super cool. Another awesome 80's dance movie.

Get Shorty - This is a fun movie but not one of my favorites. I'll save my love of Renae Russo for The Thomas Crown Affair. I think I got this free with my DVD player. Clever but. . . eh.

Gosford Park - Saw this movie for the first time in London. I love the conversational, ensemble nature of the direction and of course, anything with Emily Watson works for me. I wish she was in more American film.

Grosse Pointe Blank - This is by far the best John Cusak film, in my humble opinion. I love that he fully admits that he's an assassin and people just go with it because they think he's kidding. His scenes with Minnie Driver have such connection and attraction, I could watch them over and over. And I have. Rather violent in spots but it's so funny that you forgive.

Good Will Hunting - Another Minnie Driver example of awesomeness. I can't really say anything about this film that hasn't already been said. Only that I wish Matt/Ben would write another film. It could only be a good thing.

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