Saturday, August 8, 2009

Alphabetical Movie Marathon B2

Best in Show - ROFLMAO dahlings. And I do not use text message shortcuts lightly. This has got to be my favorite of the Christopher Guest movies. And I include Waiting For Guffman in that - it just hits a little to close to home. But Best in Show plays to my hatred of people who go overboard over their animals or children. And boy do these people go overboard. I won't go on about the plot as that's not really the main joy of this film. You really do have to see it to get the comedy. Maybe I love it because Harlan Pepper reminds me of my ex-brother-in-law? I'll just finish with "I Heart Parker Posey." And the look on Jane Lyunch's face when they announce the winner is just priceless. Improv Comedy, over-the-top dog love, neuroses.

The Bodyguard - This is still a great movie even after almost 20 years. It sounds a little silly to say that this is a major part of my childhood since I was 18 when it came out but I remember listening to the soundtrack over and over again in the car. I really miss that time in the late last century when it didn't matter that she was black and he was white. It just wasn't even discussed. They were just people. I really hope that Whitney Houston comes back to herself and does some more work like this. She's absolutely radiant in this film. The ultimate modern Diva. I think she has a 2nd wind in her. She'll pull a John Travolta some day soon and be back in the game in a major way. Super plot, great romance, hot stars and music to die for.

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